You will need to purchase the full version to remove infections and eliminate computer errors. It is recommended to run a free scan with Combo Cleaner - a tool to detect malware and fix computer errors. In this guide, we provide a number of possible solutions that will hopefully enable you to continue playing League of Legends. Fortunately, there are ways to fix this problem without needing to reinstall the game. The error is usually due the client not having sufficient permission for the program to run. The error occurs when a particular program stops working correctly and Windows closes the game without enabling the player to bypass it. This can be very frustrating, especially knowing how addictive this game is. You might have encountered the " Patcher Kernel has stopped working" error that prevents launching the game. You are watching: Lol pvp kernel not working windows 10 Released in 2009, LoL remains very popular and attracts players from around the world. A Nexus in LoL is a protected structure located within the enemy"s base. In the game, teams compete to destroy the opposing team"s "Nexus". It is a mix of RTS (Real-time strategy) and RPG (role-playing game) and one of the most popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena genre games. League of Legends, also known as LoL is one of the most engrossing free multiplayer online games. How To Fix " Patcher Kernel has stopped working" League Of Legends Problem